Journaling, and is this good enough…
I was going to start this entry with, "For about 18 months, I have been journaling daily..." but I looked, and I am a week from two years journaling daily. Originally, I was hoping that some journal entries would lend themselves as good enough for publication on my blog, yet this has rarely happened as the entries are often my random thoughts and ideas that mostly only I can fully understand and don't want to share publicly. Yet, another reason that is possibly holding me back from turning some entries into blog posts is, I underestimate the usefulness of the information I am sharing, feeling that the little thing I am writing about isn't going to impact the masses and solve a major world problem.
This morning at the breakfast table, listening to the last part of the audiobook Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte, I realised a few things:
- humans are born to create, we have the need to self-express ourselves publicly.
- We know more than we can put into words.
- We need to start small, we need to stop ourselves thinking that all our works must be completed and flawless.
- It is often the small pieces of information that talks to people, our works doesn't have to be long and wordy to speak to the heart.
I am thinking, "is this good enough to publish?" If you are reading this, well it must be...